Past Masters

This page is dedicated to the brothers who served our fraternity and they have the title of Past Master.

Past Masters of Ormond Beach Lodge No. 326 / * indicates Ascended to the Celestial Lodge

  • 1958 Right Worshipful Floyde Schultz* UD Master
  • 1959 Leo J. Rumph* Charter Master
  • 1960 Clarence T. Miller*
  • 1961 Robert L. Strickland*
  • 1962 Jack G. Steward*
  • 1963 William C. Hall*
  • 1964 A. Byrl Higgs*
  • 1965 Charles C. Schell*
  • 1966 Adam J Bailey*
  • 1967 Richard E. Johnston*
  • 1968 JerryD. Lawhorn*
  • 1969 Right Worshipful Charles P. Gay*
  • 1970 Joseph E. Thompson*
  • 1971 Lewis E. Haberle Jr.*
  • 1972 Right Worshipful John R. Langford*
  • 1973 Right Worshipful Edwin B. Moore III
  • 1974 R. Weyman Ethridge
  • 1975 George E. Brown Sr.*
  • 1976 James Comett*
  • 1977 Thomas B. Moore Sr.*
  • 1978 Donald Elko*
  • 1979 Right Worshipful Bruce D Thomas*
  • 1980 Right Worshipful Joe W. Aspley*
  • 1981 Right Worshipful Gordon Andersen*
  • 1982 Larry A Davis
  • 1983 Adolphus Dick
  • 1984 Joel Bostian*
  • 1985 Robert W. Boggess*
  • 1986 Lawrence N. Pope
  • 1987 Alan D. Osowski
  • 1988 George H Cawood
  • 1989 Craig R. Smith
  • 1990 Julian C. Lopez Jr.
  • 1991 Thomas A. Stephan
  • 1992 G.D. (Sandy) Dunn
  • 1993 Harry U. Criss*
  • 1994 Joseph J. Jaglowshki Jr*
  • 1995 John L. Home Jr
  • 1996 Joy M. Deen
  • 1997 Jerry L. Damico
  • 1998 Allan J. Graulich
  • 1999 Allan J. Graulich
  • 2000 Terry L. Ellis
  • 2001 Dixon F. Reeves
  • 2002 Peter V. Filippello
  • 2003 Leonard E. Schinazi*
  • 2004 Edwin P. Price*
  • 2005 Edwin L. (Roy) Moore
  • 2006 Elmer Geralds*
  • 2007 Daniel Sanson
  • 2008 Daniel E. Kimble
  • 2009 Thomas D. Neely
  • 2010 James R. Smith
  • 2011 Arthur D. Sabino*
  • 2012 E. Wayne Smith
  • 2013 Robert C. Sands
  • 2014 Peter D. Remington*
  • 2015 Stephen Morris
  • 2016 David Abee
  • 2017 Lee Hays
  • 2018 David Poulin
  • 2019 Paul Foege
  • 2020 Damon Sansom
  • 2021 Robert Sands
  • 2022 Dennis Ake

What is Freemasonry? Here is the answer you are looking for…

Freemasonry is

  • It is a voluntary association of men and it is a system of moral conduct.
  • It is a way of life and a fraternal society
  • Freemasonry teaches monotheism and it is religious in its character, but it is not a religion.
  • It teaches the Golden Rule and it seeks to make good men better.
  • It teaches morality through symbolism, thus it uses Ritual and ceremonies to instruct its members.
  • Freemasonry is based on a firm belief in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man and the immortality of the Soul,
  • The tenants of Freemasonry are ethical principles such as are acceptable to all good men
  • Freemasonry teaches tolerance towards the beliefs of others and charity toward all mankind
  • It proudly proclaims that it consists of men bound together by Brotherly Love and Affection
  • Freemasonry is universally applicable throughout the world
  • It is not an insurance or beneficial-type society and it is neither a religion nor a creed, plus it is not organized for profit
  • Freemasonry dictates to no man as to his beliefs, either religious or secular
  • The fraternity does not conceal its existence and it is not a secret society
  • It teaches honesty and fairness in business and occupation, to help for the weak and unfortunate, gain a resistance to wickedness, to have trust and confidence in good men, to have forgiveness toward the penitent, to have love toward one another, and above all – Reverence for the Supreme being.